“It is all volunteer and donation."  -Marie Olson, founder of the Indiana Community Garden

Volunteers are the lifeblood of community gardens. They are appreciated for their help with pre-season preparations, during the growing season, and to help prepare the garden for the dormant season. There are wonderful opportunities for students to fulfill service work requirements by doing soil preparation, seeding, planting, weeding, or composting. Other folks can volunteer their expertise in carpentry, horticulture, information management, and more. There are also opportunities to share and teach information to others.

Students from several IUP organizations came to the garden on Building Day 2014. Members of Pi Gamma Mu, Pi Lambda Alpha, and CALSA (Caring About Latino Student Achievement) logged community service hours and enjoyed beautiful spring weather. They made major contributions to preparation of the community garden for the growing season.


An IUP student helped harvest Cempazuchitl for Day of the Dead events on campus and around town.

"I like being outside" -Simba

Students of IUP's Women's Rugby Team came to the garden and volunteered several hours of their time for fall clean-up tasks, enjoying fresh air, exercise, and cameraderie.

...keeping volunteers hydrated and nourished...  

IUP student Peter Russell regularly volunteers his time at the community garden. 
Click here to read a news article about this "rebel in the garden":

Students from IUP's Upward Bound Math & Science program (a federally funded TRIO program) donated their time at the community garden. They watered, weeded, applied mulch, and hunted for garden pests. In the public garden bed, the students planted green bean seeds.
"When you grow something, you take pride in it."                                                    


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